Thursday, July 01, 2010

Copy Cat

I was going to write this long post about a life stealer. A doppelganger. A copy cat. But that would be a waste of time because I'm sure it's all coincidence and if it isn't, wow.

Instead I'll just write that after 1 year of not being able to listen to Everytime We Touch, I can now not only listen to the whole song, but dance to it around my apartment and belt it out like it's no one's business.

I'm looking to date.

I'm back in the town I love surrounded by amazing friends.

I've started a new job which will let me explore what I want to do with my life.

I'm optimistic and happy.

I'm young and beautiful.

I'm me, and no matter how many little pieces you take away from my life, that doesn't change.

To end, here's a quote Franklin Pierce Adams had about Dorothy Parker. I feel it's applicable to this post. “The only limited-edition girl I know, by which I mean there is nobody like her, nor ever was.”

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